Ngosi Crater Lake


from the distance

Lake Ngosi in Rungwe, Mbeya Region, is the second largest Crater Lake in Africa.

    Volcanic mountains, crater lakes, green hills and lush valleys with hurling rivers, Rungwe District, just south of Mbeya, is one of the loveliest areas of the country. When you are traveling in the south of Tanzania, or if you are on your way to Malawi or Zambia, Rungwe is not to be missed! Stay for a day or two and hike, relax and explore this unspoiled part of Tanzania

     Ngosi is another million year old volcano that can be climbed. The centre of this volcano collapsed and has later been in filled by the Ngosi Crater Lake. Climb to the top through dense bamboo forest and tropical vegetation. When you rich the rim, you will be rewarded with spectacular view of the lake, lying 200 meters below.
How the Crater Lake looking during the day
    Lake Ngosi Meaning 'very big' in the local Kisafwa language, Ngosi Crater Lake is a popular day trip, experience the beautiful scenery as you trek down to the lake shore.  If you are lucky you may be able to catch a glimps of the legendary lake monster who has the ability to change the color of the water

Andreas talking to local people around he Crater Lake

   The road ending and a small path starting climbing steeply up the jungle cover mountainside. Your legs may be exhausted from the days walk and frequently climbing of mountains. The path is steeper and steeper and the end is quite clearly in sight. After about 40 minutes of steep climbing, u can reach an opening with a dirt bench, with a view of the crater. It is much larger than how ordinary people can imagine and completely filled with water.
    The water supposes to be a magnificent green, but since it is quite overcast and misty it may seem normal color. It is a cool sight as the entire crater filled with water, that the locals believe houses a Loch Ness type monster. It is possible to swim in for Mzungu, but the trek down is even steeper and far, and then obviously you have to come back up.
Ngosi Crater Lake entrance

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