Friday, April 27, 2012

Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)

       Described as “incarnations of hideous dreams” and “the most astonishing objects that have ever disgraced nature”, the warthog is one of the most captivating and busy animals the visitor will see.
      Stockily built, the warthog has a short neck and a long tapering head ending in a blunt, rounded snout. On both side of the face there is a prominent wart and male can be distinguished as they have four warts while females have only two. The canine teeth from prominent, jutting tusks that curve upwards and just above them bristles grow out of their faces sideways.

          When running, their tails are held erect, unlike bush pig whose tails point down.
   Their diet comprises mainly grass and roots and they may eat bones, soil and stones for minerals. Because of their short necks they usually graze on their knees. Adults enter their burrows backwards so that any threaten predator must confront their sharp horns that they can use with telling effect.


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